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Curriculum Requirements
Engagements Pathway Checklist
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Engagements Course List
Engagements Experience (EE)
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Fellows Alumni and Legacy Courses
For Prospective Fellows
Other Curriculum Pathways
Discipline Plus Requirements
Disciplines Plus Pathway Checklist
Transfer Students
Echols Scholars Program
Traditional Curriculum
The Forums Curriculum
The College Fellows
The College Fellows
Roberto Armengol
EGMT 1540: Reality Film (v.1)
Benjamin Bernard
EGMT 1540: ~decadence~ The Ethics of Excess
Allison Bigelow
EGMT 1530: Sovereignty In a Time of Slavery
Francesca Borrione
Tal Brewer
EGMT 1540: The Soul at Work
Evan Brubaker
EGMT 1520: Did Socrates Exist?
EGMT 1540: How Do We Remember?
Rebecca Bultman
EGMT 1520: Secret Life of Maps
Eli Carter
EGMT 1510: Aesthetics of Hunger
Max Castorani
EGMT 1520: Discovering Nature
Johanna Chajes
EGMT 1520: Baby Einsteins
Erin Clabough
EGMT 1520: In-Consciousness- How We Know Who We Are
Anastasia Dakouri-Hild
EGMT 1510: How to be Creative
Dave Dalton
EGMT 1510: How Plays, Films, and Games Captivate Us
Tom Donahue-Ochoa
EGMT 1540: They Think WHAT? Visions of Politics
Kevin Duong
EGMT 1510: The Art & Politics of Dreaming
Jason Evans
EGMT 1540: Can Love Really Transform The World?
Mehr Farooqi
EGMT 1510: The Poetry of Love
Rita Felski
EGMT 1510: Exploring Taste
Andrew Ferguson
EGMT 1510: Videogames and Videography
EGMT 1540: Paranoia, Conspiracies, & Fake News
Francesca Fiorani
EGMT 1510: The Art of Looking
Liza Sapir Flood
EGMT 1510: Sounds of Resistance
EGMT 1530: Other People's Music
Laura Goldblatt
EGMT 1520: The Marketplace of Ideas?
EGMT 1540: What is Engaged Citizenship?
Ali Guler
EGMT 1520: Birds Aren't Real
Martien Halvorson-Taylor
EGMT 1510: Mythmaking - What do myths do for us and how do they do it?
Elizabeth Harper
EGMT 1510: The Art of Vulnerability
Matt Hedstrom
EGMT 1530: Apocalypse!
Natasha Heller
EGMT 1520: Seeing the Forest for the Trees
Caleb Hendrickson
EGMT 1510: Living with Images
Eric Hilker
EGMT 1540: Sci-Fi Ethics
Ben Jameson-Ellsmore
EGMT 1530: Your City is Still Segregated
Vikram Jaswal
EGMT 1530: Why Neurodiversity Matters
Kelsey Johnson
Lee Kennedy
EGMT 1510: Seeing the Light
Alice King
EGMT 1530: Who Owns American History?
Israel Klich
EGMT 1510: The Sound of Physics
Mary Kuhn
EGMT 1510: Being at Home
Cherrie Kwok
EGMT 1540: Whose Land? Settler Histories, Indigenous Futures
Angeline Lillard
EGMT 1520: School for Humans
Marcy Linton
EGMT 1530: Who Dressed You?
Anne Garland Mahler
EGMT 1530: Solidarity Beyond the Hashtag
Sara Maloni
EGMT 1520: Humanizing Mathematics
Deborah McGrady
EGMT 1540: What do we owe Joan of Arc?
Lauren Mehfoud
EGMT 1530: What Makes a Drug?
Emily Mellen
EGMT 1540: Evil Tunes
Lauren Miller
EGMT 1520: Memes on Earth
Ian Mullins
EGMT 1540: Should People be Wealthy?
Jessica Niblo
EGMT 1520: Mercury to Gold
Meghan O'Donoghue
Bo Odom
EGMT 1520: The Marketplace of Ideas?
Ken Ono
EGMT 1520: "Big Data" is coming for you
Walter Ott
EGMT 1540: The Ethics of Horror
Deborah Parker
EGMT 1510: Death, Hell, Judgement
Sean Reid
EGMT 1520: Bones and Burials
EGMT 1530: Africa Is Not a Country
Bridget Reilly
EGMT 1510: The Art of Illness
Carly Reynolds
Adema Ribic
EGMT 1520: His-stery of Science
Kevin Rose
EGMT 1540: Should You Chain Yourself to a Tree?
Gillet Rosenblith
EGMT 1520: On These Grounds - UVA's Spatial History
Muhammad Tayyab Safdar
EGMT 1530: Global "Development" - The Great, the Good & the Ugly
Jelena Samonina
EGMT 1520: Pick Your Poison
Marc Santugini
Len Schoppa
EGMT 1520: Where Have All the Babies Gone?
Sandra Seidel
EGMT 1540: Mindful Decision-Making
Lisa Shutt
EGMT 1530: Childhood & Becoming
Andreja Siliunas
David Singerman
EGMT 1520: Information and Democracy
Wendy Smith
EGMT 1510: Time and Memory in the Arts
EGMT 1530: Encounter the World Through Collected Objects
Janet Spittler
EGMT 1540: A History of Religion(s) at UVA
Dan Spitzner
EGMT 1520: The Numbers Are Not What They Seem!
Justin Stec
EGMT 1510: Food as Art? Engaging All Five Senses
Christian Steinmetz
EGMT 1540: Rebels With a Cause
Lean Sweeney
EGMT 1530: Talking Trash
Jessica Swoboda
EGMT 1510: Getting It: Art and Attunement
Philip Tite
EGMT 1510: Feasting! The Culinary Side of Religion
Cynthia Tong
EGMT 1520: Updates Available!
Meaghan Walsh
EGMT 1530: Masquerades: Performing My (Other) Self
David Walsh
EGMT 1540: Paranoia, Conspiracies, & Fake News
Tracey Wang
EGMT 1530: The Politics of Space
Jennie Williams
EGMT 1520: Big Data and History
Claire Wrigley
EGMT 1520: Mapping Modernity
Lingyu Yang
EGMT 1520: Quantum and Minds
Eben Yonnetti
EGMT 1530: Our Rituals and How They Make Us
Michele Zaccagnini
EGMT 1520: Sounds from the Digital Jungle