I am trained as a cellular and molecular neuroscientist, and I have explored many different neurodevelopmental and disease models in my quest to better understand how we can affect positive change in our nervous system. Because, after all, our brain determines who we are— or does it? What is consciousness? How do we expand consciousness? You will try out and routinely practice concrete tools to connect with self and to better understand the relationship between body, mind, and spirit. We will practice meditation, use breathwork, explore sound, and try ancient yoga practices on our journey towards understanding consciousness more fully. These practices are grounded in science, but the scientific method also has limitations, which we will discuss. I see teaching as an experiential creative process- both for you and for me. I teach using seven "knowledge catalysts" that are designed to scaffold the learning process for students and to better integrate knowledge from the classroom into our lives. This course will be experimental. It may challenge the way you think about science, humanity, and well-being. If you come with an open heart and an open mind, this course may be life changing