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General Education
About the Curriculum
The Engagements
The Literacies
The Disciplines
Curriculum Requirements
Engagements Pathway Checklist
Engagements Program
Leadership Team
Engagements Course List
Engagements Experience (EE)
The College Fellows
Fellows Alumni and Legacy Courses
For Prospective Fellows
Other Curriculum Pathways
Discipline Plus Requirements
Disciplines Plus Pathway Checklist
Transfer Students
Echols Scholars Program
Traditional Curriculum
The Forums Curriculum
Fellows Alumni and Legacy Courses
Fellows Alumni and Legacy Courses
Jo Adams
EGMT 1530: Making Enemies
Hanadi Al-Samman
EGMT 1510: The Aesthetics of Trauma
Jacqueline Arthur-Montagne
EGMT 1540: Who Should Lead?
Swayam Bagaria
EGMT 1530: America - A Mythological Take
Sophia Bamert
EGMT 1510: The Aesthetics of Infrastructure
Benjamin Bennett
EGMT 1540: Revolution - Theory & Practice
Sarah Betzer
EGMT 1510/1520: Shadows - Beyond the Visible
EGMT 1510: Art - Inside/Out
Lou Bloomfield
EGMT 1520: How Do You Measure a Rainbow?
Tico Braun
EGMT 1530: The Individual and Society
Lydia Brown
EGMT 1510: The Aesthetics of the Everyday
Francesca Calamita
EGMT 1530: Food for Global Feminist Thought
Jack Chen
EGMT 1510: On Ghosts
Sylvia Chong
EGMT 1530: Real or Fake? The Politics of Authenticity
Jim Coan
EGMT 1520: Why We Hold Hands
Ted Coffey
EGMT 1510: Virtuosity and Its Others
Creighton Coleman
EGMT 1540: God Told Me To
Jessica Connelly
EGMT 1520: Exploring Your Genome
Sarah Corse
EGMT 1520: Making Truth Claims - The Power & Limits of Empirical Reasoning
Claire Cronmiller
EGMT 1520: Genetics: Solutions for Life!?
Brandy Daniels
EGMT 1530: Visions of the Future
EGMT 1540: How Do We Become Who We Are?
Priya Date
EGMT 1520: What Can Frogs Teach Us About Humans?
Shilpa Davé
EGMT 1530: Origin Stories: Identity, Migration, and Homelands
Paul Dobryden
EGMT 1510: Strange Sensations
Kateri DuBay
EGMT 1510: In Praise of Entropy
Kelly Dunham
EGMT 1520: Can a pill make you happy?
Erin Eaker
EGMT 1540: The Traveler's Dilemma
Matthew Elia
EGMT 1520: Solidarity as a Way Of Life
EGMT 1540: Slaves, Strangers, Citizens
Robert Fatton
EGMT 1530: What is Inequality and Why Should We Worry About It?
Nichole Flores
EGMT 1540: Do We Still Have Faith In Democracy?
Cassandra Fraser
EGMT 1540: Plastic Everywhere
Gertrude Fraser
EGMT 1520: Thrifting: A Case Study for Empirical Inquiry
Erik Fredner
EGMT 1510: Punching Up
EGMT 1520: From Language to Data
Bonnie Gordon
EGMT 1510: What is Noise?
Fiona Greenland
EGMT 1520: Our Neanderthal Future
Grace Hale
EGMT 1510: Black and White - Race and Photography in America
Katelyn Hale Wood
EGMT 1510: Sonic Intimacies - Listening to Queer Histories
John Handel
EGMT 1520: Meaning From Numbers
EGMT 1530: Financial Lives
Jasmine Hu
EGMT 1510: Love, Unrequited
Mona Kasra
EGMT 1510/1530: New Media Art
EGMT 1510: Digital Art & Social Change
Austin Keeler
EGMT 1520: Homo Crispr - Future Humans?
Michelle Kisliuk
EGMT 1510: Cultures of Play - Listening, Collaborating, Improvising
Thomas Koberda
EGMT 1520: Obviously?
Aynne Kokas
EGMT 1540: The Data Ethics of Tiktok
Foteini Kondyli
EGMT 1530: How Cities Remember
Sarah Kucenas
EGMT 1520: You Were Born A Scientist
Inger Kuin
EGMT 1530: Why Do We Laugh?
Kevin Lehmann
EGMT 1540: Ethical Dilemmas and Science
Alison Levine
EGMT 1510: Taking Place
Charles Mathewes
EGMT 1540: Who Wants to Save the World, and Why? The Ethics of Global Citizenship
Justin McBrien
EGMT 1520: Modeling Climate Justice
EGMT 1540: To Be or Not to Be? The Ethics of Existing
John McLaren
EGMT 1520: Measuring Discrimination
Christian McMillen
EGMT 1530: Treaties, Power, and Time
Jane Mikkelson
EGMT 1510: Imagine This: A Course on Thought Experiments
EGMT 1530: Lost and Found in Translation
Farzaneh Milani
EGMT 1510: Are We the Stories We Tell?
Jamie Morris
EGMT 1520: Use Your Brain
Josh Mound
EGMT 1510: The Politics of Popular Music
EGMT 1520: Poverty Counts
Mary Nickel
EGMT 1540: This is My Body
Emily Ogden
EGMT 1510: Meaning and Saying
Brian Owensby
EGMT 1540: Climate Change and the History of the Future
Ricardo Padron
EGMT 1530: You Are Here
Brooks Pate
EGMT 1540: Making Medicines Good
William Pearson
EGMT 1520: When Do Scientists Change Their Mind?
Olivier Pfister
EGMT 1520: Embracing the Question Mark
Amanda Phillips
EGMT 1520: Posessed - Objects & Empiricism
Travis Pickell
EGMT 1540: Mortality & Morality - The Ethics of Death
EGMT 1540: Why We Work
Andrea Press
EGMT 1530: #Stay Woke - Social Movements and Social Media
Michael Puri
EGMT 1510: Covers, Karaoke, and AI: Imitation in Music
Isaac Ariail Reed
EGMT 1540: What is Authority?
Debbie Roach
EGMT 1520: How Has Evolution Shaped Who We Are?
Christa Noel Robbins
EGMT 1510: Art In and Out of Place
Ishani Saraf
EGMT 1530: Planetary Discards
Dorothy Schafer
EGMT 1520: Life On the Move
Jalane Schmidt
EGMT 1530: Town & Gown
James Seitz
EGMT 1530: Depictions of Difference
Karl Shuve
EGMT 1530: Unnatural
Matthew Skwiat
EGMT 1510: The Monstrous Aesthetic
Rebecca Stangl
EGMT 1540: What Isn't For Sale? And What Shouldn't Be?
Jessica Stern
EGMT 1520: Origin Stories
Sarah Teets
EGMT 1520: Who Was Cleopatra
EGMT 1540: The Examined Life
EGMT 1540: Who Owns the Earth?
Vasfiye Toprak
EGMT 1540: Political Myths - Then and Now
Chip Tucker
EGMT 1510: Immortality - A User's Guide
Siva Vaidhyanathan
EGMT 1540: Patriotism, Nationalism, and Cosmopolitanism
Breanne Weber
EGMT 1520: What a Book Is
Chad Wellmon
EGMT 1520/1540: Engineering Humanity
EGMT 1520/1540: On The Goods and Uses of the University
Josh White
EGMT 1540: The Ethics of Piracy, from the High Seas to Torrents
Mark Whittle
EGMT 1520: The Big Bang - The Creation of Our Universe
Bruce Williams
EGMT 1540: Do We Still Have Faith In Democracy?
Alex Wolfson
EGMT 1530: Taboo and Transgression
EGMT 1540: Enforcement
Lisa Woolfork
EGMT 1530: Race, Racism, Colony & Nation
Patrice Wright
EGMT 1540: The Business of Being Born
William Wylie
EGMT 1510: The Art of Walking
Jiajun Yan
EGMT 1510: In Sync