EGMT 1530: Sexual Objectification
This course will examine the ways in which sexual objectification functions as a primary form of gender-based oppression in American culture. It is organized around the theme of objectification, that is, the perception of human beings, especially female bodies, as sex objects. Because women are more commonly viewed in terms of their physical appearance compared to men, this influences how women and men interact. We will focus on how women’s appearance is excessively emphasized, overshadowing their other qualities, as persons. We will explore both what it means to objectify and be one who is objectified. We will question if one can self-objectify and the conditions under which it might be liberatory to do so. The aim of the course is to reveal the power dynamics influencing how women are treated in American society and the effects sexual objectification of women has on their well-being.
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Quarter Offered:
Years Offered: