EGMT 1520: On These Grounds - UVA's Spatial History
Instructor: Rosenblith
In this course, students will learn to use the empirical methodologies of historians in the context of UVA’s built environment. Each week will include a walking tour of Grounds based on a particular chronological moment and/or theme. We will consider what observations can we make as we move through space? How do these observations underscore or complicate evaluations of different kinds of evidence, including written documents, oral histories, archaeological finds, etc.? Students will leave this course with a better understanding of their home and place of work for the next four years as well as with the skills to engage the empirical tools historians use.
Day | Time:
TuTh 5:00pm - 6:15pm
Quarter Offered:
Fall Quarter One: August 22 – October 11
Years Offered:

EGMT 1520: On These Grounds - UVA's Spatial History
Instructor: Rosenblith
In this course, students will learn to use the empirical methodologies of historians in the context of UVA’s built environment. Each week will include a walking tour of Grounds based on a particular chronological moment and/or theme. We will consider what observations can we make as we move through space? How do these observations underscore or complicate evaluations of different kinds of evidence, including written documents, oral histories, archaeological finds, etc.? Students will leave this course with a better understanding of their home and place of work for the next four years as well as with the skills to engage the empirical tools historians use.
Day | Time:
TuTh 11:00am - 12:15pm
Quarter Offered:
Fall Quarter Two: October 12 – December 5
Years Offered: