EGMT 1540: What do we owe Joan of Arc?
Instructor: McGrady
What are the ethical responsibilities of artists and historians who engage with the past? To be a good citizen must we be good stewards of
cultural memory? What are our obligations to those who are forgotten or falsely remembered? Can we ethically mock the past? To address
these questions, we will reach back nearly 600 years to recover the story of Joan of Arc, the 19-year-old who has been remembered as both a
warrior-saint and as a witch. Organized in three units, this class will begin with how the court trial presented her story before then examining
later witness testimonies intended to rehabilitate her memory. The final unit turns to modern artists, from sculptors and dancers to filmmakers,
playwrights, and comic-book writers, who have reinvented Joan over the centuries. This exploration of Joan of Arc's legacy will give rise to
ethical questions about our relationship to the past.
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