EGMT 1520: Uncommon Sense and Mathematical Intuition

From rocket scientists to those who break into a cold sweat at the mention of geometry, everyone has a ceiling on their comfort level with math. But mathematical intuition permeates every facet of our lives -- personally, influencing our choice of activities or careers; daily, as we interpret news and medical advances; and globally, shaping governmental policies. In this course, we will investigate our limitations through a mix of grave and humorous examples of math gone wrong. We will challenge our perception of what seems like common sense. Have you ever thought, “That’s stupid!” when faced with course requirements or quirky roommates? We will transition from knee-jerk reactions to asking “Why?” By developing a healthy skepticism, we will create a buffer against our limitations, and bring forth gray lines in seemingly black-and-white pictures.
Day | Time:
Quarter Offered:
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