Humanity is on the verge of becoming a spacefaring civilization. We have already sent robotic missions throughout the solar system, drilled into and left artifacts on other planets, sent human remains to space, collided with asteroids, broadcast messages toward the stars, and experimented on animals in space. Today both private companies and public agencies have aspirations to colonize other planets, extract resources from asteroids, put hundreds of thousands of satellites into Earth orbit, and build permanent infrastructure on the moon. What are the ethical implications of these choices, and who has the power to make them? Who (or what) is helped and who (or what) is harmed? This course will explore the ethical issues at play, examine the relation between these issues and different cultural understandings, ask who benefits (and how they benefit) and who is harmed (and how they are harmed), question who gets to make these ethical decisions on behalf of humanity, and ultimately consider what the “best” future of humanity might be.