EGMT 1530: Treaties, Power, and Time

Beginning in the 17th century American Indian people have engaged in the act of treaty making with first the British and then the Americans. These treaties are hallmarks of the encounter between radically different peoples; they still have legal power today. How are legal documents negotiated hundreds of years ago, in completely different historical contexts, where the differentials of power constantly shifted, interpreted now?
Years Offered: 
Semester Offered: 
Fall Quarter One: August 22 – October 11
Day | Time: 
MW 11:00am-12:15pm
Years Offered: 
Semester Offered: 
Fall Quarter Two: October 12 – December 5
Day | Time: 
MW 12:30pm-1:45pm
Years Offered: 
Semester Offered: 
Spring Quarter Three: January 17 – March 12
Day | Time: 
MW 11:00am-12:15pm
Years Offered: 
Semester Offered: 
Spring Quarter Four: March 13 – April 30
Day | Time: 
MW 11:00am-12:15pm