This course, one of four “Engagements” courses you’ll take as a first-year student, focuses on what we can learn from examining the motivations, practices, and dispositions that constitute a good, meaningful, or successful life. Throughout your life, you will encounter questions of right and wrong, liberty and obligation, justice and mercy; you will be responsible for whatever conception of the “good” you use to structure and orient your life. We will consider how to understand ethical reflection and practice while acknowledging that some differences on ethical questions are irreconcilable.
A course in "Ethical Engagement" will help you:
articulate, evaluate and respond to ethical questions;
reflect upon culturally- and historically-rooted ethical traditions, your own and those of others;
grapple with the structures of power within which ethical action and reflection occur;
recognize yourselves and your motivations as ethical agents within your communities and the broader world; and
consider what it means to live a good life.